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Minor Stings & Bites

Minor Stings & Bites

As lovely as summer is, it will also bring with it a host of irritating pests, in the form of biting and stinging insects. 

1. Prevention is better than cure:  Try our amazing Organic Mosimix. This refreshing aromatherapeutic body oil provides the skin with a light hydrating sheen and a luxurious fragrance from pure organic essential oils, but bugs and insects tend not to agree and will hunt for their dinner elsewhere!

2. Soothe quickly: If you have been bitten, do NOT scratch, no matter how satisfying it feels.  Instead clean the area and use a cooling lotion like our cult Spot-On Serum, with antibacterial antifungal tea tree, lavender and echinacea, to soothe the bite and ease the maddening itch.

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